Hire Remote Tech Talent

Tell us what you need

Fill the form and tell us more about the profile you’re looking for. You can write there which are your requirements, so we can start working immediately.

    1- Hi there! What's your full name?:

    2- What's your current role?:

    3- Your email address:

    4- What's your company name?:

    5- Does your company have a website? Please write it here:

    6- Briefly describe what your company does:

    7- Cool! Now, tell us what role would you like to hire?:

    8- Describe the required technologies and expertise for the position:

    9- What are going to be the challenges and daily tasks for this position?. Try to "sell" this position to a candidate:

    10- What level of team contribution are you looking from this talent?:

    11- What level of time commitment will you require from the talent?:

    12- Now, let's talk about working hours. Do you need this talent to be available in a particular time slot?:

    13- If "Yes", Please type the expected working hours using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time):

    14- What's the salary range for this position? (Annual Gross Salary in USD):

    15- What are the key employee benefits? You can also describe your company culture:

    16- Would you like us to include a technical test during the recruiting process?:

    17- In case you said "Yes", Do you have a particular test that you would like us to use for the process?:

    18- What is the required english level for this role?:

    19- If you had three questions to ask them, what would they be?:

    20- What would make you accept someone?:

    21- Anything else you want to tell us about the candidate you are looking for?: